Wyoming Lawyer

Personal Injury

Getting injured is never fun. Getting injured in Virginia can be even worse with its Ôcontributory negligence' laws (we can tell you more about this when you come to visit).

We've got you covered though with our experience handling all types of personal injuries that result from such things like traffic accidents, dog bites, pharmacy mistakes, falling in a store or parking lot or even being assaulted. We also work on cases dealing with workers compensation and wrongful death.

So, if you've been rear-ended by another car in traffic, hit on your motorcycle, bitten by your neighbor's dog, slipped on ice, given the wrong prescription at the pharmacy, gotten an electrical shock, run over by a steamroller or whatever...(yup, we've seen them all) come and see us. We can give you a full analysis of your case and what you should expect to happen.

Some things to know about getting injured in Virginia are:

  • Be sure to document everything as soon as you canÐget the names and contact information of everyone who witnessed your injury, take pictures of your injury and the scene of your injury as soon as possible. Also, keep a daily diary of your recovery and how your injury has affected your usual routines.
  • You are not required to give a statement to any insurance companyÐand we think its better you don't until you consult with an attorney.
  • Don't say anything to anyone at the scene of the accident about what happened unless necessary. Sometimes people want to be polite and are quick to apologize, take blame or offer to pay for any damages. Protect yourself first. Recognize that you are emotionally charged. Be polite. Exchange identification information. Follow up once you have gathered your thoughts and consulted with an attorney.

Contact us now if you would like a free evaluation of your case and to talk about how to get the best recovery possible for your injury. rdain@comcast.net